Here we enter the arbitration case. After the completion of Notice status updation the loan no will appear in "From Notice".

ProcessFlow :-

  1. Select Firm
  2. Select the notice type
  3. Select the case type
  4. Enter the loan no and click on add button (here we can club multiple Loan no for sending one notice)
  5. Select the primary loan no (That loan no will be shown in next stage)
  6. Enter the case No
  7. Select the court & advocate as “NA”
  8. Select the place and arbitrator
  9. Enter the filing date and next posting date of the case. The next posting date should be greater than the filing date.
  10. The proceeding should be entered correctly
  11. In Case Brief, we should enter a small brief about the case
  12. Court Appearing Staff should be mentioned here for the case
  13. Enter the case amount
  14. Click Submit button to approve or click clear button to clear the full data

If The case has been Awarded, then we need to enter Awarded Date & Awarded Amount.