Here we enter the details that are required for non litigation.

Dispute Details will differ according to Dispute Types.

ProcessFlow :-

1) Select Company

2) Select Branch

3) Select Dispute Type, Details will change according to Dispute Type

4) Enter The Dispute/Claim Details

5) Select the Follow-up assigned person

6) Select the Monitored  person from the drop down

7) Enter the Action taken date

8) Enter what action has been taken

9) Next follow up date is entered here, thus it should be a future date comparing with action taken date.

10) Click on submit button for going for approval

Following are the Different Dispute Types, The Columns will  change according to the dispute types. They are,

* Rent Enhancement / Amenities Issues / Eviction

ProcessFlow :-

1) Enter Dispute Date

2) Enter Building Owner/Opposite Party Name

3) Select the agreement Status from drop Down

4) Select the rent Status from drop down

5) Enter the Agreement Tenure

* Insurance Claim

ProcessFlow :-

1) Select the claim Type from Drop Down

2) Enter the Incident Date & Intimation Date

3) Enter the loss amount, Claim Amount, Insurance Company & Insurance Policy No

* Theft Gold Equal Weight

ProcessFlow :-

1) Enter the dispute Date

2) Enter Building Owner/Opposite Party Name

3) Select the agreement status & Rent Status from drop down

4) Enter the Agreement Tenure

* Packet Missing - Equal Weight

ProcessFlow :-

1) Enter the Pledge Number, Gold Weight, Market Value, Employee Code, Employee Name, Debit Amount